HOWDY! Okay.. so sometimes I say Howdy like I am cowboy from the west..but in reality I was born and raised in the Finger Lakes region of New York State….way far away from the West.
Welcome to the blog guys! So if you have stumbled on this tiny little version of my photography world, you can grab your coffee and take browse at my work…or if I am totally boring you already..then well..please stay little while longer?! PLEASE?!
The name is Dani, I am the artist behind the lens and owner of Dani T Photography. I once got asked what kind of spice I would be if I had to choose…Nutmeg was my answer. Because…it’s got this little zing in the background that you don’t know you are missing until you don’t have it.
I have two Cats, Oreo & Oakley, and my partner in crime/other half/person I get to annoy forever is Tim. You’ll see him pop up every now and then when I need an extra hand during a session, or another prop & set built. He also keeps me supplied with endless amounts of coffee…and sometimes cinnamon buns. My friends and family are huge inspirations to me..they keep me sane, and keep me on the right path, whichever one the universe pulls me in
Photography has always been a medium I was drawn to at an early age, and after studying it in college, I was bitten by the wedding bug and off and I went, head first down into the rabbit hole of the wedding business, I now know and love.
So welcome to the first of hopefully many blogs, or as I call them new stories to be shared, both personal and client related. I am sure we will all laugh together, cry together, and smile together as we watch stories unfold, and families grow from behind my lens. I cannot wait to meet all of you!
xoxo Dani
Image Credit: JanaeEDesigns
Photo Credit: Natalie’s Studio
August 8, 2018
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